If you are planning a permanent move to Spain and are of retirement age, you are entitled to register for full Health Care and Prescription Medication via the Spanish Social Security System. In order to transfer your rights to Spain, you will need to obtain the relevant UK documentation from the Department of Work and Pensions before you move. At present, the requirement is for an S-1 form (previously known as the E-121 form).
Prior to your move for further advice, contact;
Overseas Healthcare Team (Newcastle):
International Pension Centre
Tyneview Park
Whitley Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE98 1BA
Phone 0191 218 1999 (Monday to Friday 8am-5pm)

Customers who receive a UK state pension can obtain an S-1 (or E121) by phoning 0191 218 7777 (Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm).
Once you are residing in Spain and have your S-1 document, you will need to register with your local Social Services department who will, in turn, assign you to your local GP – this will also requires the following paperwork;
Proof of your address via registration at your local Town Hall known as Empadronamiento.
Residency Certificate
If you are on holiday, you must ensure you have and EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) which entitles you to emergency health care whilst visiting Spain.
Remember that if you are registered as a Permanent Resident in Spain, should you return to the UK for holidays, you will need an EHIC which you should apply for via the Overseas Healthcare Team.
If you are under retirement age and do not plan to work in Spain and therefore contribute to the State Social Security System, Private Health Care may be required.
Please contact ALO Services for further information.